Sroat has undertaken various task based projects with the following NGOs:

Snehdeep Jankalyan Foundation - Proposal writing and staff training
1) Standard proposals for every program
2) Fund raising activities
      a) Designing Fund Raising strategies
      b) Identifying potential funding partners
      c) Discussions with the funding partners for detailing the programs
      d) Creating budgets for all programs
      e) Sending proposals to potential funding partners
      f) Follow-up with funding agencies
3) Training a resource at Snehdeep as a fund raising officer
4) Training Snehdeep staff for effective report writing
      a) Understanding and maintaining data for all the projects
      b) Templates for reports of each program
      c) Introducing data processing tools
5) Providing help in audits of sister NGOs at Snehdeep

Dnyanadevi - Website development

Bapu trust - Partnership workshop and role definition for partner NGOs
A day long workshop for defining a model partnership with Bapu trust and partner NGO .The workshop included the roles of both organization and staff involved in the partnership.

Dada Jagtap Pratishthan - Building HR
1) Building HR processes
2) Help in accreditations
3) Report writing samples

Vanasthali - Proposal Writing
Proposal writing and budget for a project at the organization

Samartha Sarvangin Vikas Sanstha - Staff training and organization presentation

Great Foundation - Proposal writing and website development
Proposal writing and budget for the new initiative of employability training launched by the organization

Manavya - Annual report writing and Brochure content development
1) Annual report for 2010-11
2) Content development for brochures in English and Marathi